Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey. This is not really an introduction since I don’t know what to write, but here goes nothing. I did my A’ levels from Beacon house Jubilee Campus. I was as proud as a peacock when I got a 96 in O’ level English, but my heart broke when a big C appeared beside General Paper in A’ levels.
What is it that possibly went wrong? Did some evil spirit cast a spell on me? O yes, it was the “lack of reading” spirit, which had revealed itself as a C. My vocabulary, due to this reason is very weak. It is embarrassing not to know basic words. I would/will (I don’t know which one to use here) really appreciate if we keep getting short stories like Urdu, My love song, though I don’t know how many of my classmates would agree to that! :P

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Anonymous said...